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Horrabridge Primary and Nursery School

Discovering, Learning and Achieving Together


Curriculum Intent  

The design and delivery of our curriculum enables pupils to: 

Embed key skills, knowledge and concepts in order to secure retention and fluency. 

Apply skills, knowledge and concepts creatively. 

Reflect on learning, celebrate progress and identify next steps. 

Gain understanding of diversity and develop tolerance, self-respect and respect for others. 

Gain understanding of British Values. 

Develop curriculum capital. 

Take risks and develop resilience. 

Develop self-belief and have high aspirations. 

Develop a sense of responsibility, kindness and respect. 

Develop mindfulness. 



At Horrabridge Primary and Nursery School, we believe that all our children can become fluent and expressive readers. This is why we teach reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme. 


Support for Phonics


The videos, found on the link below, show you how to pronounce the sounds. Notice how the children don’t add an ‘uh’ sound at the end, so they say: ‘t’ not ‘tuh’.


The one link covers: 

Phase 2 sounds - Reception Autumn term 

Phase 2 sounds - Reception Spring term 

Phase 3 sounds - Reception Summer term 

All phase 5 sounds 


Supporting for Reading 


In Nursery, your child will bring home a reading for pleasure (sharing book). 


In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, your child will bring home their reading book and reading for pleasure (sharing book). 


Your child's reading book will be correctly selected for your child's phonic stage, book band level or accelerated reader level. In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, your child may require a little help to read, but please don't worry that it's too easy. Your child needs to develop fluency, expression and confidence through the repeated reading of the same book at home. If your child is unable to read a word, get them to try and sound talk it and then if needed tell them the word.


It's important to know that we do not expect your child to be able to read their reading for pleasure (sharing book). This book is for you both to read and enjoy together. Discuss the pictures, enjoy the story, use voices for the different characters. The main thing is for you and your child to have fun and enjoy the time sharing this book.




At Horrabridge Primary and Nursery School our curriculum design closely follows the curriculum map set out by the NCETM (National Centre for the Excellence of Teaching in Mathematics) prioritisation document (below). Mastering Number is used within Nursery and Reception and is used to supplement NCETM in KS1.  In KS2 we additionally teach daily ‘Fluency’ sessions at the beginning of each lesson.

Maths Documents
