Horrabridge Primary and Nursery School
Discovering, Learning and Achieving Together
Recognising that life be tricky at times and wanting to support you as fully as possible, we employ a Parent Support Advisor, Mrs Sarah Burke. Having raised her own family, navigating life's struggles, and working as a fully-qualified teacher for many years, Mrs Burke has a wealth of experience working with both children and their families. She is able to offer support, help and advice for a broad range of areas including:
Families and parenting challenges can impact upon your life as well as that of your child. Mrs Burke will offer confidential, non-judgemental advice and guidance to help your family through anything it may be facing. This may be via a one off chat, a short series of meetings or further support for as long as it is needed. Mrs Burke works flexible hours to be able to fit appointments in around your family's needs or working hours.
If you feel that a referral to Mrs Burke or an initial chat would be helpful, please speak to Mr Clarke (Headteacher), Mrs Downing (SENDCo) or your child's class teacher to discuss your concerns. They can then make a referral on your behalf or ask Mrs Burke to get in touch with you. There are also some useful weblinks below which you might find helpful:
More information about Early Help https://www.dcfp.org.uk/early-help/
| Early Help - Devon Children and Families Partnership What is Early Help? Early Help is the extra support your family can get if you need it. It may be that you want to prevent a problem, or change www.dcfp.org.uk |
West Devon Children's Centre https://www.actionforchildren.org.uk/how-we-can-help/our-local-services/find-our-services-near-you/west-devon/
| West Devon Children's Centre provides a range of targeted Early Help services to families with Children aged 8 years and under. www.actionforchildren.org.uk |